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Who could have imagined, the U.S. seemingly bright, in fact, is the internal crises. christian louboutin Also in-depth New York and Washington streets, silently observing, only to find unusual. Until now, the United States still has not been completely removed from the shadow of the Great Depression of 2029 to get out. Since President Roosevelt took office, two consecutive New Deal, which greatly stimulated the U.S. economy, a direct result of last year's election as President Roosevelt. January 20 this year, Roosevelt four years ago, the old place again sworn in his inaugural address, it reads, ' christian louboutin shoes know that one-third of the country 's people still live rough, ragged, malnourished.

' From this we can see that the U.S. economy is not good. By the end of April,Christian Louboutin Outlet, the U.S. economy problems, although on the surface, the United States successfully in the ' New Deal ' gradual revival under the guidance, but the overall economy was in rapid decline, industrial activity to the worst in U.S. history, the decline down to six early, "New York Times" commercial and industrial index plunged from 110 to 85, the results will be wiped out since 2035. More than one month, the U.S. steel production capacity from 80 % to 19%.

From June to July, the United States there are about two million people lost their jobs, to the middle of this month, the U.S. business index continued to decline, many Americans once again on the brink of hunger and cold land. Nazi Germany's " offensive News", published an editorial on the 13th of this month, gleefully pointed out : Cleveland -style misery, weakness of democracy provides another example. With unemployment soared, members of the press like christian louboutin shoes once wrote that Hoover and difficult years, began to write ' Roosevelt recession ' was. http://www.shermanhealth.com/content/cl_p2.html

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